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Parmesan is an Italian cheese famous for its strong flavor and distinctive taste. It is made from raw and matured cow's milk for at least 10 months. Parmesan cheese is a hard cheese, which means that it has undergone high pressure during its manufacturing process, which gives it its hard and friable texture. Parmesan is often used in the kitchen for its strong and distinctive flavor. It is commonly used to gratin pasta, vegetable and meat dishes, as well as to add crisp and flavor to salads and sandwiches. Parmesan cheese is also often used to flavor sauces and dressing.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

431 Cal
29 G
88 Mg
1529 Mg
125 Mg
4 G
38 G
0 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
0 Mg
38 Mg
Food fibers
0 G
1109 Mg


What are the benefits of parmesan ?
Parmesan is a cheese rich in nutrients, it contains: - calcium: it is necessary for the health of bones and teeth. - Proteins: it contributes to the growth and repair of tissues. - Vitamins: it contains vitamins A and B12, which are important for nervous vision and health. - Minerals: it contains phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, which are important for metabolism and bone health. - healthy fats: it contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can help protect against heart disease. - Probiotics: Parmesan is a fermented cheese, which contains probiotic bacteria that help maintain a good intestinal flora. It is important to note that parmesan is also very rich in sodium and fat, so it is recommended to consume in moderation to avoid health problems linked to these nutrients.
How long can we keep parmesan ?
Parmesan is a hard cheese that can be kept for long periods. It is important to keep it properly to maintain its quality and flavor. It is generally recommended to keep parmesan in a cool and dry place, such as a refrigerator or a cellar. It can be packed in a parchment paper or in a plastic bag to prevent it from drying out. It is important to note that parmesan is a hard cheese, so it should not be watered in the air because it needs a little humidity to keep its texture and flavor. Parmesan can keep for about 6 months in a well closed refrigerator, it can even keep longer if it is well preserved, that is to say in a cool and dry place. It is important to regularly check the condition of the cheese and throw any song that has signs of mold or deterioration. If you buy parmesan in pieces, it is better to grate it yourself just before using it to enjoy its optimal flavor and texture.
What are the dishes most commonly associated with parmesan ?
- Parmesan cheese is often grated on pasta, such as spaghetti, penne and fettuccine. - Parmesan cheese is often used to add a strong and delicate flavor to the risotto. - Parmesan cheese is often used as a garnish for pizzas. - Parmesan cheese is often used to sprinkle on gratins, such as cheese macaroni gratins and vegetable gratins. - Parmesan cheese is often used in pieces or grated on salads to add a strong and delicate flavor. - Parmesan cheese is often used to add a strong and delicate flavor to soups, such as onion soup and Minestrone soup. - Parmesan cheese is often used as an ingredient in aperitif dishes, such as crostini and ham rollers.
How to choose parmesan ?
- Make sure that Parmesan is made in Italy in the Parma region. - Parmesan cheese must be made from cow's milk and must be refined for at least 12 months. - Avoid parmesans that look too pale or have cracks or holes. - Parmesan must have a firm and grainy texture. - Taste Parmesan cheese before buying it to make sure it has a good nut and dried fruit.
What are the cheeses that have a taste similar to parmesan ?
- The Grana Padano: it is made in Italy in the region of Lombardy and Veneto. It is similar to parmesan, but with a softer and less salty taste. - The Pecorino Romano: it is made in Italy from sheep's milk and is stronger in taste than parmesan. - The old gouda: it is made in the Netherlands, it has a similar taste for parmesan, but with notes of nuts and caramel. - County: it is made in France in the Alps, it has notes of dried fruit and nuts and is softer and milder than parmesan. -The mimolette: it is made in France in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, it has a similar taste for parmesan, but with notes of caramel and butter.

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